The phrase you are what you eat is true for every facet of life — even the bedroom. Eating a healthy, balanced diet will keep your hormones balanced, energy up, and libido high. In addition to exercising and eating well, try incorporating these seven foods into your diet to keep you feeling sexy and healthy all day (and all night) long.

1. Bananas
It’s not just the phallic shape that makes bananas a key ingredient to help get you in the mood. Bananas contain the enzyme bromelain, a great libido booster. They’re also full of B vitamins, potassium, and riboflavin which keep you energized and healthy. Bananas also have their fair share of carbs and sugar to give you all the energy you need for a romp around the bedroom.

2. Avocados
When it comes to good-for-you fats, avocados top the list. Their heart-healthy fats help improve your mood, the health of your heart, and blood flow. Avocados are also packed with vitamin B6, folic acid, and potassium — all great energy boosters.

3. Figs
An ancient fruit of the gods, figs are not only tasty and beautiful, they’ve also been used as an aphrodisiac for centuries. Figs are packed with protein, a key sex hormone producer. They are also loaded with manganese, magnesium, vitamin E, and zinc all critical for good sexual health.

4. Almonds
All nuts are full of essential fatty acids that are great for hormone balance. Almonds in particular help keep your energy levels high. They also provide a high dose of vitamin E, magnesium, and fiber all great for your overall sexy health.

5. Oysters
No aphrodisiac list is complete without the most classic sexy food of them all —oysters. Oysters are known to boost libido due to their high levels of amino acids, dopamine, and zinc, a critical agent in promoting sex hormones. Enjoy them raw with a glass of champagne to harness their full sexy potential.

6. Eggs
For centuries eggs have been touted as a fertility and libido booster. Their high levels of protein provide energy and satiety. But don’t forego the nutrition-packed yolks. A single yolk is practically full of all your daily vitamin needs.

7. Red Wine
Full of antioxidants, red wine is great for your overall health and hormone balance. Plus, the act of drinking red wine implies intimacy, relaxation, and overall happiness. As always with drinking, do it in moderation. Too much alcohol is a sure-fire way to kill the romance.

Foods to Feed Your Libido. CBS News. May 1, 2010

Ten Superfoods to Boost Your Libido. Natural News. April 11, 2008

Reviewed on August 24, 2011
by Maryann Gromisch
Edited by Jody Smith