According to a national survey women and teenage girls may not be getting enough protein in their diets. Protein is essential for the building and repair of muscle. We need it to make hormones and enzymes. Without it we lose muscle and our metabolisms slow down.

Elisa Zied has put together some information, offering guidelines as to how much protein we females need to eat at different stages of life, as well as suggestions of foods that are packed with protein.

"Nutritionist Elisa Zied, MS, RD, CDN is a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association and author of “Feed Your Family Right,” “So, What Can I Eat?” and "Nutrition At Your Fingertips." She is a registered dietitian and certified nutritionist who counsels families and individuals on managing their weight and various health conditions, from diabetes to high cholesterol. She has appeared on CBS’s The Early Show, The Today Show, and on dozens of other national and local programs on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News Channel, Food Network, Lifetime, and NY1. "