From her experience as a highly respected herbalist, with her background in studying natural medicine, Dr. Tieraona Low Dog places high importance on nutrition.

She recommends that women take a multivitamin to try to fill any gaps in their health and nutrition. She specifies calcium and vitamin D for bones, folic acid for our hearts, for reproduction and for babies' health. Low folate levels can be a factor in depression. Antioxidants are also very important for good health.

Dr. Low Dog believes that each woman has unique needs in terms of her health and nutrition. Each woman has her own health issues, and should take them all into consideration as she makes decisions about nutrition and supplements.

"Dr. Tieraona Low Dog’s extensive career in studying natural medicine began more than twenty-five years ago. She studied midwifery, massage therapy, and was a highly respected herbalist, serving as President of the American Herbalist Guild and running a teaching clinic in Albuquerque, New Mexico before receiving her Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of New Mexico School of Medicine. She currently serves as the Director of the Fellowship at the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine."
