Rice. It has been my main meal ever since I was a baby. We had more fiber in our rice and it added bulk to our diet. My family consisted of mostly farmers and rice was the main crop they cultivated. As the time passed paraboiled rice mills took over and separated the bulk from the grains. All the nutritional values of rice are lost and just starch is left for us to eat. Rice is still the preferred main meal for more people in the world including in the United States. There are several different forms of rice including brown rice, basmati rice, precooked rice or long grain white rice and red rice. Here is a bit more information on each type:

Brown rice : Of all kinds of rice, brown rice is considered to be the best as it consists of complex carbohydrates which do not digest very easily and add bulk to the meals. It takes long time to mix in the bloodstream thus controlling the blood sugar levels. Brown rice is best for diabetics for this reason. Although it takes a lot of time to cook brown rice, it only takes a fistful to fill one's stomach and satisfy the appetite. To cook brown rice you need to add four cups of water for half cup of rice and cook over medium heat for at least 45 minutes. To eat brown rice is an acquired taste and it takes time to get used to it. Watch out for digestion problems as it tends to make your stomach bloat and create gastric problems in the beginning because of its fiber content. Try to eat only a spoonful of rice and increase the quantity slowly.

Basmati rice : Basmati rice is considered as the royalty rice for its rich flavor and texture. It has long grains and tastes great. It is by far my favorite rice. Basmati rice is used to cook all kinds of fried rice including chicken, shrimp, egg, and vegetable. Adding spices such as cloves, cardamom, cinnamon and cumin brings special flavors that not only invites one's palate to taste but also their sense of smell. Basmati rice is rich in complex carbohydrates and is considered to be good for diabetics. Although some believe that eating this rice causes arthritis there is no evidence for that assumption. Basmati rice is next to only brown rice for a diabetic diet even though it does not equal the bulk that the brown rice contains. Add one and three quarters of water to one cup of rice with half a spoon of low fat butter, a stick of cinnamon, two cloves, two cardamom, half a cup of mixed vegetables, half a spoon of salt, half a cup of cilantro, quarter spoon of cumin, half onion and one green chile. Cook until done and serve hot with grilled chicken breast with lemon and black pepper. You will have a great diabetic meal with no guilt for raising you blood sugars up.

Red rice : stands in line next to basmati rice for its complex carbohydrates. Red rice is mostly used in Persian and oriental dishes as a delicacy. When used as a side dish you only need a quarter cup to fill you up with utter satisfaction. It not only looks great with its red color but tastes great too. Its texture is also somewhat acquired and takes time to adapt. Add half a spoon of butter and salt to taste with red rice. Grill a well marinated and grilled catfish fillet or cod with some salt, black pepper, cilantro and basil and have it over the rice with steamed or sauteed spinach or zucchini. You have a delicious diabetic meal with no worries about high blood sugar levels.

Pre cooked rice or white rice : White rice became more popular as it tastes better, and is easier and faster to cook than the raw form of rice. White rice is nothing but starch which is a simple carbohydrate which changes into sugar while digesting and is easily mixed in blood elevating the blood sugar levels and being stored as fat if in excess. Like any other food that contains starch and sugar white rice tastes great. It is like eating a fully glazed donut, pizza, hamburger bun or a big Einstein's bagel with full of cream cheese. There is a popular belief that diabetics should not eat white rice at all. But really, the key is moderation. If you noticed, diet experts don't ask you to quit eating rice they simply say "you can eat but eat a little". So, how much is a little? That's what we need to figure out. The recommended amount for white rice for diabetics is usually a tablespoon full to quarter cup. The best thing to do if you are a diabetic like me and loves white rice is eat a tablespoon several times a day until you are satisfied or mix a whole cup of vegetables like broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, celery, green beans and a whole boiled egg white and a small piece of chicken breast with two tablespoons of white rice and make it a full plate meal with out guilt.

I love all kinds of rice grains. Like I said, everything in moderation is good whether you are a diabetic or not. That and spreading out simple carbohydrates throughout the day can help us control our appetite, stay focused in managing weight and bring our blood sugar levels to a better control and still be able to enjoy what we like. So, folks the next time you put that spoonful of rice on your plate, just enjoy it and later compensate it with something else like a long walk around the park because, OUR LIFE MATTERS.