If something has the word “vegetable” in its name, it’s a healthy option, right? Wrong! A lot of seemingly harmless vegetable-labeled dishes are packed with sugar and calories. Next time you’re reaching for a healthy snack, be sure to check the label and avoid these six secret saboteurs.

1. Ketchup:
Even though ketchup is seemingly harmless, it’s packed with high fructose corn syrup and sugar. Next time you’re looking for something to dip into, opt for salsa, spices, or nothing.

2. Corn:
Corn actually isn’t a vegetable. It’s a grain. While corn does have its fair share of B and C vitamins, it’s also loaded with sugar. An average-sized ear can have up to 15 grams of sugar. As with most grains, corn is best enjoyed in moderation.

3. Vegetable Juice:

When trying to reach the five-a-day fruit and veggie requirements, it’s easy to reach for a can of veggie juice. When fruits and veggies are juiced, the majority of their nutrients and fiber are compromised. Veggie juice boasts a whopping two servings of veggies per serving, however, those veggies are smothered with sugar-enhanced fruit juices. As delicious and tempting as store-bought juice might be, check the label before ingesting.

4. Veggie Chips:

If you’re addicted to the crunch of potato chips but avoid ’em because of the grease and carbs, veggie chips would seem like a logical options. Unsurprisingly, most veggie chips are deep-fried and primarily made with corn and potatoes. Those rich red and green hues come from food coloring, not bell peppers and zucchini.

5. Canned Vegetable Soup:
Canned veggie soup seems like a healthy, low-cal meal option, right? Not always. They’re often laden with excessive amounts of sugar and sodium. While soup is a great option, stick to the homemade variety.

6. Vegetable Tempura:
While it seems like common sense that any veggie that’s thrown in the deep fryer should not be included in any diet regimen, many people think tempura is ok because tempura is touted as a light batter. Wrong. Tempura is loaded with sugar, oil, and cornstarch, a sure-fire way to sabotage your diet.

Edited by Jody Smith