When it comes to losing weight, there is always a new study, article, or fad diet that warns against certain types of foods. Any seasoned dieter (like myself) will tell you that the only sustainable solution is to never say never. When you cut out whole food groups, you tempt bingeing and cravings. These six weight loss gems support overall health and nutrition and should be included in all waistline friendly meal plans.

1. Kale: Nothing feels healthier (and cleans you out) better than a serving of fresh kale. Low in calories and high in fiber, kale is one of the most powerful things you can add to your diet. Try mixing raw kale into milkshakes, salads, or stir frys.

2. Oatmeal: There’s no better way to start your day than with a bowl of oats (preferably the steel cut kind). The fiber-filled nature of oats makes them especially filling—particularly when paired with fruit. Look for unconventional ways to substitute oats into your diet by using them instead of breadcrumbs or even flour.

3. Eggs: Forgo tossing away those protein-rich yolks and eat up when it comes to eggs. Incorporate more scrambles, frittatas, and omelets into your morning meals to help trim inches and keep you satiated. Consider eggs for dinner whenever you're short on time or ingredients.

4. Lentils: One of the most filling and nutritious mid-day meal options is a side of lentils. Lentils are full of fiber and good carbs, so they keep you full and energized all day long. Add them into salads and pastas or enjoy them as a soup.

5. Apples: An apple a day truly can keep the doctor (well, at least the nutritionist) away. Try snacking on an apple before a big meal out to curb overeating. The fiber in apples help you stay full longer than other fruits. Try paring it with some almond butter or microwaving with some cinnamon for the perfect hunger-slaughtering snack.

6. Yogurt: When it comes to a nutrition-filled, hunger-stopping snack, it’s hard to find anything better than yogurt. Not only is it great at keeping your blood sugar stable, but it also is packed with a bit of everything—protein, carbs, and fat—making it one of the most balanced choices you can make. Sub yogurt for mayo or sour cream whenever possible to slash your calorie intake.