Snacks. Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em. With 24 hours in a day, it's almost impossible (and not necessarily healthy) to just eat three times a day. Experts agree that the best way to keep your metabolism revved and keep unwanted pounds at bay is to enjoy five smaller-sized meals each day. Since it can be hard to minimize portions at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, one trick I use is to keep my snacktime treats around 100 calories each. True, this isn't always easy, and even truer, I don't always follow-through on this idealized plan, but when I do, my pants feel looser and my conscious feels better.

These 20 snacks are my fave choice for a quick 100-calorie bite, perfect for a between meal mini-feast.

Sweet Treats:
10 gummy bears
25 jelly beans
4 marshmallows
5 Nilla Wafers
1 Skinny Cow fat-free fudge bar

Produce Perfection:
2 cups of raspberries or 1 cup of blueberries
1 cup of mango chunks
28 grapes
1/2 small apple with 2 teaspoons nut butter
8 small slices of red bell pepper topped with 3 tablespoons hummus

Crunchy Munchies:
10 cashew nuts 
or10 almonds

4 mini rice cakes with 2 tablespoons low-fat cottage cheese

6 Wheat Thins crackers with two teaspoons nut butter
3 handfuls of butter-less popcorn
Half a stick of string cheese with 4 Triscuits

Carb Craziness:
1 slice white or wheat toast with light spread of nut butter
1/2 cup of cooked oatmeal
5 pieces of Melba toast
1/2 blueberry, bran, or corn muffin
1/4 cup lowfat granola

Keep your fridge, pantry, and desk doors packed with these appetite-crushing 100-cal snacks to help you stay on track all day long.

Edited by Alison Stanton