Talking with someone who has bad breath can be an unpleasant experience, and realizing that your own breath smells bad can be a cause of embarrassment and social anxiety. Before you try to disguise bad breath with a mint, it’s worth a little thought to be sure bad breath isn’t a symptom of a bigger medical issue.

When we exhale, air from our lungs can pick up various odors from inside the body. When these odors are unpleasant, we call the result bad breath or halitosis. A number of things can cause bad breath, including the foods we eat, our habits, and a variety of health conditions.

When we eat, small particles of food remain behind in and around the teeth. The breakdown of these particles can cause a bad odor in the mouth. Certain foods that contain volatile oils are another source of bad breath. Most people know that onions and garlic can cause bad breath. Depending on your digestion, other foods, such as cabbage and coffee, can also result in bad breath. As these foods are digested, the oils are absorbed into the bloodstream. As the blood passes through the lungs to receive oxygen, it can hand off the odor from these oils into the air we exhale. These odors can continue until the food is completely eliminated from the body. In fact, onion or garlic-breath can continue for up to 72 hours after you eat them.

Dental Hygiene
Food particles that remain in the mouth after eating can collect bacteria and give off strong odors. Brushing and flossing can remove these particles and freshen the breath. Failing to brush can allow a sticky film of bacteria known as plaque to form on the teeth, which is another cause of bad breath. In turn, plaque can cause gum disease, which make bad breath worse. Cavities in the teeth and poorly fitting dentures or dentures that are not properly cleaned are also causes of bad breath.

Dry Mouth
“Morning breath” is bad breath caused by the mouth drying out while we sleep. Saliva helps keep the mouth clean and moist. When the mouth is too dry, dead cells accumulate on the tongue, gums, and cheeks. When these cells decay, they cause bad breath. Certain medications and smoking can lead to chronic dry mouth, as can problems with the glands that produce saliva.

Certain illnesses, including cancer, can produce consistent bad breath. For example, uncontrolled diabetes can cause a fruity breath odor, while kidney failure results in breath that smells like urine or ammonia, and liver failure causes “fishy” breath. Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, can also cause bad breath, as can chronic lung infections.

Nose and Throat Issues
Sinus infections often result in bad breath because of sinus drainage down the throat, which results in a bad mouth odor. Respiratory infections such as bronchitis can also produce sputum with a bad odor. A child with otherwise normal breath may develop bad breath when a foreign object like a small bean is stuck in the nose.

Some activities such as smoking or using other tobacco products can lead to periodontal disease and dry mouth, which can cause bad breath. Severe dieting or fasting can also cause unpleasant, fruity-smelling breath from a breakdown of chemicals in the body. And taking vitamin supplements, especially in large doses, can also lead to bad breath.

If you have bad breath, using a mint or chewing gum can temporarily mask the problem, but it won’t cure the underlying cause. If bad breath persists and there is no obvious cause, such as smoking or eating certain foods, or if you have signs of a respiratory infection, be sure to talk to your doctor. And remember to mention if people around you have commented on a particular odor.

National Institutes of Health Medline Plus
Mayo Clinic