Among Dr. Brian Weeks' specialties are diseases of the ear, nose and throat. Our Michelle King Robson went to Dr. Weeks for a follow-up nasal endoscopy after he had treated her for trigeminal neuralgia.

The endoscopy was painless, requiring no medication. Dr. Weeks used a fiber optic laryngoscope which is like a camera for looking inside the nose, the upper airway, the larynx (voice box) and sinuses. The laryngoscope makes it possible to look at the state of the mucosa and check for inflammation.

After the endoscopy had been performed, Michelle was pleased to hear that everything looked to be in fine working order.

Dr. Weeks said, "So hopefully in this situation that we demonstrated to the viewers and also shown ourselves that we can get a tremendous amount of information with the camera. The endoscope really does help us, and again, it doesn’t replace any part of our workup or examination but it’s an integral part of really being able to assess the nose."
