Susan Schulherr is an eating disorder specialist, who has written a book called "Eating Disorders for Dummies". She was recently interviewed by Margarita Tartakovsky.

Eating disorders come in many forms. Over-eating, anorexia, bulemia, each takes a different form but each disorder indicates the individual's relationship with food and with their body has taken a wrong turn.

Susan Schulherr's advises, "The first thing they should do is STOP DIETING! Dieting sharply increases the likelihood of crossing the line from disordered eating into eating disorder, especially among vulnerable individuals. Shockingly, few people actually succeed at dieting and each dieting failure can invite more extreme and disordered practices the next time around."

She recommends keeping a journal, taking note of what things seem to be triggers for out of control eating, and anything else that helps keep you aware of unhealthy patterns.

You can also begin to try to train yourself to sit through impulses to binge and though this may be very difficult at first, it will get easier if you don't give up.