Saying a daily positive affirmation may sound cliché. It may sound like a Saturday Night Live sketch. It may even sound fake or too “New Age” for some people.

But no matter what you think they sound like, it's possible that making daily positive affirmations may bring significant benefits to your life.

When you make a daily affirmation you focus your mind on the things you want in life so negativity or self-doubt can be cast away. You become aware of your thoughts and words, and are better able to keep things in the right perspective in your life.

Saying a daily affirmation can keep you in a state of gratitude, too. There is also some evidence that happy, optimistic people (like those who are focusing on the positive in life) even have healthier hearts, with reduced incidences of heart attack and stroke.

Now that it is understood that daily affirmations can be good for you in many ways, the question remains: What daily affirmations should you recite this year?

This answer may be different for each individual based on each person’s wants, needs and desires. However, there are some affirmations that just about anyone can benefit from, especially as they relate to living a healthy life.

Read on for 15 daily affirmations specifically applicable for those seeking better health:

1) I am the architect of my own life. I build the foundation and I choose what it contains.

2) Everything that is happening in my life right now is for my ultimate good.

3) I'm powerful. I'm indestructible.

4) Even though life is difficult right now, this is only a short phase of my long life.

5) I radiate beauty, charisma and grace.

6) I pay attention to my body, and know what it needs to be healthy and strong.

7) I am able to sleep peacefully throughout the night. I wake up feeling refreshed and full of energy.

8) Steadily, I am defeating what ails me.

9) I feed only healthy food to my body and choose to exercise to keep it strong.

10) Today, I am full of energy and overflowing with joy.

11) I am physically healthy. I am brilliant. My soul is at peace.

12) I am above negative thoughts and actions.

13) I am able to peacefully separate myself from those who have harmed me and forgive them.

14) I am overflowing with love which washes away my anger.

15) I am at peace with the world, knowing that life is unfolding as it should.


“7 benefits of a daily affirmation plan.” Web. 20 January 2016.

“Optimism protects against heart attack and stroke study shows.” Web. 18 April 2012.

“Positive affirmations.” Web. 20 January 2016.

“35 affirmations that will change your life.” Web. 6 July 2013.

Reviewed January 21, 2016
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith