It was our triple anniversary. All of these events occurred on the same date (and, by the way, at the same time too!): 32 years since my wife and I met, 27 years married, and eight years since my wife's breast cancer diagnosis. Any one of those is cause to celebrate, so every April 22 is a big day for us.

We spent a couple of nights at a romantic getaway, took naps, had great food, and went to a couple of movies (our favorite thing to do). Something very special happened at one of the movies.

Imagine this: we were in a stadium-style theater, one of 16 in a multiplex. There were about 200 seats, all of the décor was red, and we were the only two people in there: we had, in effect, a private showing. No one even came in late, so we had the entire theater to ourselves for the entire movie.

It was a comedy, very sweet and touching, and the music during the closing credits was not too fast, not too slow. Perfect.

Chris, my wife, said, “Let’s dance.” And we did, right there in front of our seats in this large movie theater that we had all to ourselves. As we held each other and moved around, I looked at this strange scene in which I found myself and I felt as if I was a character in a movie. The red walls and seats moving around in my field of view was just like a perspective shot in a film when they are trying to show how the scene would look to someone who was in it. In this case, it was me!

We only spent about five minutes dancing in “our” theater, but I’ll never forget them. This entire experience was the direct result of my wife’s spontaneous suggestion and then both of us acting on it.

When do you have an opportunity to do something spontaneously? Do you take advantage of those moments?

If you don’t, you may be missing out on some wonderful memories of fun, possibly romantic moments that can lift you up during stressful times.

When you have the chance, just do it. Don’t think too much about it, just be brave and have some fun.

When Chris said, “Let’s dance,” my knee-jerk reaction was “What if somebody sees us?” That was instantaneously followed by “So what??” Just look at what I would have missed had I stopped with “What if somebody sees us?”

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