As the holidays get into full force for many, it's easy to get so overworked and stressed out that we forget to take care of ourselves - how many times have you found your libido plummeting as a result of being so tired out from making Turkeys and being anxious about your holiday budget?

I thought I'd remind readers of basic foundational ways we can take care of our mental and sexual health by taking care of our physical health this holiday season!

1. Sleep well. I might be starting off with the hardest one. Getting a good night's sleep can be difficult depending on where you're living, how you're living and what you're living with in your life. Take care of your body before you rest (brush your teeth!) and avoid looking at work-related things right before you go to bed. The very last thing you do before sleeping should help you to relax -- a bath? Caffeine-free tea? A quiet conversation? And of course, aim to go to bed on the earlier end.

2. Find creative outlets. We need creative outlets to allow us to reflect on the work we are doing and where we are in our lives. But we must also find time to do something outside of our work. Even a few minutes to jot down the things we're mulling over can help us make the things that seem overwhelming more manageable -- a kind of meditation, if you will.

3. Disconnect (at least part of the time): This is an especially hard one for me. As a blogger and internet addict, I constantly check my feed reader, e-mail and newspapers online. While it allows me to take in a lot of information about current events, it makes me feel like I can never take a break from the news. Disconnect yourself, even for a couple of hours, everyday. If it's one in the morning, don't feel like you need to reply to that work e-mail right away. When you sit and ask yourself the question, "Do I really need to do this right now?" you'll be surprised how many times the answer may actually be "no." Watch a movie! Go to a park. Read a book. And be sure to...

4. Take time for intimacy! It doesn't have to be physical (though that's good too!) - connecting with a range of loved ones, especially your partner, to gain support and comfort for them if you're stressed about work or finances or whatever else, can be a wonderful relief. Kick up the romance, do something fun together, and don't forget about the wonders of spooning! Your holiday stress will seem like a distant memory with a little self care!