How many times have you felt that you needed something but didn’t want to spend the money to get it? If you’re like me, the answer is a lot of times!

Did it ever occur to you that such a purchase might actually save money for you? And stress, too?

For example, I know several people who have an older computer and don’t want to upgrade because of the cost. They resent the fact that “as soon as they get a computer it will be out of date” and figure they might as well just “make do” with what they have.

Consider the following analogy. You buy a car (the computer) that will pull a small trailer (the software that enables you to use the computer to do what you do). As technology improves and software performs more and more functions, the “trailer” is getting bigger and bigger. Before you know it you are trying to pull a 40-foot trailer with a car designed to pull a U-Haul. By resisting the upgrade, you are stuck with pulling that U-Haul, even though it would save you considerable time and money to be able to pull the 40-footer. And stress, too: doesn't it drive you crazy when your computer runs so slowly or isn't able to handle software or applications that you need?

Think about it. If you consider the benefits of the upgrade, are you really saving money by staying with what you already have?

This principle applies to all sorts of things; replacing the TV, the washing machine, even a car. The TV may need repairs, costing money and causing you to stay home waiting for the repairman. Depending on the situation, just the inconvenience of waiting may be costing you money and causing you stress. Your old washer may be using too much water, electricity, and/or detergent, and then there is the repair scenario. Your car? How about safety, mileage, repairs, new tires, etc. All of these things cost cash and cause inconvenience and stress, which may result in more cash.

My father used to say, “The joy of savings and convenience lasts long after the pain of the expense is forgotten.”

It costs money to upgrade. Or does it?

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