My best friend Chantelle sent me an interesting article the other day. It was about a study conducted by Atlanta Psychologists Dr. Pauline Rose Clance and Dr. Suzanne Imes. The two analyzed a sample of various women: some attended colleges or universities in the northern and southern regions while others had careers in a range of professional fields. The study focused on a unique type of classification that quickly caught my eye: the imposter phenomenon.

What is the imposter phenomenon?

According to the article, the term imposter phenomenon describes a person’s internal feeling of intellectual phoniness. In this case, those feelings were from women perceived as “high-achievers,” or academically successful college women and professional women who have earned PhDs and professional recognition. These high achievers feel as though they do not deserve the credit for their accomplishments, that they do not possess the intellectual abilities their credentials say they do, and that every success should be attributed to luck, hence the term imposter. This type of woman looks for a further explanation of her success rather than believing it was from her own abilities.

What are the symptoms of the imposter phenomenon?
-Lack of self-confidence
-Diligence/hard work to prevent being “discovered” as a phony
-Withholding ideas and opinions
-Use of charm over intelligence

The article went on to reveal how this phenomenon originated from societal sex-role stereotyping and a woman’s perceived family expectation. Although it was written in the late 70s, it made me wonder: Is the imposter phenomenon still alive and thriving today?

I know many women who can be deemed as “high-achievers.” The women on the EmpowHER team and all who visit and contribute to the site possess some pretty impressive credentials themselves. What about all of us? Deep down, have we ever felt like we were undeserving? Even though we may have worked hard and given it our all, did the notion of being an imposter ever creep into our minds?

This idea of being a phony and attributing success to an external cause is disconcerting to me. People work hard to get what they have, men and women, and each should be able to take pride in his or her accomplishments. Yet, for so many women this practice is hard to maintain. What about for you, ladies?

To every “high-achieving” woman out there, do you allow yourself to indulge in your achievements or has this internal battle called the imposter phenomenon affected you? Let me know your thoughts.

To read more about this phenomenon, go to:

Shala Marks is a summer intern with EmpowHER. She hopes to always permit herself to be proud no matter what.