Each year, after all the Christmas festivities are finished but before the calendar officially turns to another year, many Americans make at least one resolution to do better in at least one aspect of their lives.

Perhaps the resolution is to lose weight, give time to a charity, finish a project, or start a new hobby.

Whatever the goal is, come January 1st, there are sure to be many other people working toward the same objective.

According to a survey by the website ProactiveChange and the University of Scranton, about 40 to 45 percent of American adults set at least one resolution. However, by the time February rolls around the majority of those resolutions have fallen to the wayside.

So how do those few people who make and actually keep resolutions each New Year do it? Read on to hear what the experts advise to help you keep New Year resolutions:

1. Be thoughtful.

Look back on the year that has passed and take an honest assessment. Think about what was accomplished and what did not get done, and decide what needs to be changed in the coming year.

Focus on keeping resolutions positive. Instead of resolving to stop eating sweets, resolve to eat more fruits and vegetables.

2. Be specific.

Instead of just listing “be healthier” as a resolution, define what “be healthier” means to you. Does it mean to lose weight, buy organic, eat raw, join a gym …?

The possibilities are endless. Breaking a larger goal into several small mini-goals also helps to make them more achievable.

3. Be friendly.

Talking about goals and obstacles with supportive friends and family can give one the motivation needed to soldier past the tough parts of achieving any goal. Working together with a buddy, coach, or even an online support group can be encouraging for everyone.

4. Be realistic.

Generally it takes 28 days of doing something consistently to make it a genuine habit. Stick to it and whatever it is, it will become easier to do.

Making a record of small achievements along the way is important, as is taking daily actions toward the resolution. Being accountable and self-aware are two big parts of the resolution process that will aid in achieving it.

5. Be rewarding.

Rewards should be given not just for accomplishing the entire goal or resolution, but for achieving the smaller mini-goals along the way. Celebrate even the smallest achievements!

The New Year can be a clean slate. The mistakes and indulgences of the year past are over and one can start anew.

No one will be perfect, and striving for it is not helpful. With the right strategy and a good attitude, even New Year’s resolutions can be kept and achieved!


Huffingtonpost.com. Web. Published 17 December 2012. “Dr. Terri Kennedy: Making and Keeping New Year’s Resolutions.”

USAToday.com. Web. Published 31 December 2011. "Advice for keeping your New Years resolutions".

Reviewed December 27, 2012
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith