I was watching the Today Show yesterday and saw an expert talking about stress and ways to deal with it effectively. Two of the things she mentioned were meditation and exercise, and I heartily agree: both are excellent ways of relieving stress.


Maybe it’s just me, but I found myself a little stressed at the idea of trying to work these two things into my life. I had a lot of questions, such as “What is the best way to meditate? What is the best way to learn the best way? A book? Which book? How will I find time to read a book?”

Then there was the subject of exercise. “How much do I need? What type of exercise should I do? How long will it take including changing clothes, doing the exercise, showering and changing clothes again? When is the best time of day? How do I learn about these things? Another book? I didn’t have time to read the first book!” And so on…

To me, they took on the aura of new projects for me to add to my to-do list, which is already way overloaded. I came to the conclusion that when I’m stressed the last thing I need is another project, even if that project will help me in the long run. After all, once I learn how to exercise and meditate, and I figure out how to make time for them, they will help me. But I need help now.

It turns out that there are some easy things we all can do to lower your stress or avoid new stress. Here are a few ideas (from www.CopingQuickies.com)…

1. Look forward to something. Decide, right now, that you’re going to go to your favorite place for lunch tomorrow, maybe even take a few extra minutes and walk by the park on your way there and back. Looking forward to something is very energizing. Total elapsed time to decide: five seconds.

2. Use scents to bring back good memories. I still have a little jar of Nose-Kote sun block that I used on the beach in Tahiti back in 1975! Every time I see the jar I open it and take whiff, instantly I am back in Tahiti--what a rush! Total elapsed time to open the jar, smell it, and enjoy Tahiti all over again, 10 seconds.

3. Have a silly secret. I recently met a famous actor who told me that whenever he went to an audition he put maple syrup in his shoes. (I’m not kidding!) Why? Because it gave him a little smile inside to know that he had syrup in his shoes and no one knew but him! I have a pair of Tweety Bird socks that I wear once in a while for the same reason. You can have a little smile on the inside all day long! Total elapsed time to establish your little secret: 10-15 seconds.

These things really work. Try them and then post a comment to let me know how it went--I dare you!

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