When we frown and worry over the things happening in the world around us, psychologist Betty Phillips warns, “we bring all that misery into our lives, our bodies, our homes and our families.”

So, what’s the solution? A smile!

Your Smile Reduces Stress and Blood Pressure, Kills Pain and Boosts Your Immune System

Your smile triggers the release of endorphins, serotonin and dopamine, and these hormones affect our bodies in positive ways.

Serotonin is a natural antidepressant and, thus, stress reliever. So, when you smile, your body is naturally fighting your down mood. Of course, a genuine smile is best, but studies have shown that even faking a smile at least gets the process going and eventually genuine smiles follow.

The endorphins produced by smiling act as a natural pain reliever.

When released through the body, these hormones not only relax your whole body, but they also lower your heart rate and blood pressure.

With your body feeling less stressed and no longer diverting a lot of its energy to deal with the stress, your body can now devote more of its resources to your immune system.

It is well known that people who are burdened with long-term high-stress situations suffer from more ailments and increased incidence of heart-related diseases, particularly high blood pressure. So, “the practice of frequent smiling offers protection from disease and serious illness, and may prevent colds and flu.” (2)

Your Smile Attracts Better Friendships, Better Jobs

Everyone knows the phrase “smile and the world smiles with you,” and it’s true. Smiling is contagious. People are more attracted to and more likely to interact with you if you’re smiling rather than frowning. People will want to get to know you. Frowns, scowls, and grimaces push people away.

Not only is the positive personal attention good for you, but it’s good for them. The next time you go through the checkout line and see a stressed-out cashier whose spirit has been brought down by grumpy customers, try smiling and saying something kind, and see how much just that simple act will pick up her spirits.

Think about it. If you’re out a restaurant, aren’t you more likely to give a good tip to a waitress who was smiling and friendly than to one who scowled and seemed like she hated being there? Perhaps a smile from you will help her finish her shift with a smile on her face, and boost her tip jar.

A smile also conveys confidence and professionalism which is exactly the kind of impression you want to convey during a job interview or in interactions with others. “People who project a positive outlook ... tend to cope better with challenges than people who are withdrawn and unsmiling.” (3)

Smiling also increases clarity of mind, thus allowing us to make better decisions. (2) Sounds like the kind of employee I would like to be and that most employers want to hire.

Your Smile Cultivates a Better Outlook on Life, a Better You

Smiling makes you feel more positive and optimistic, because it refocuses your attention on positive things. Because your body is full of feel-good, stress-relieving, pain-relieving hormones, your body will feel that "Life is good!"

With all the negativity filtered out, it’s really difficult to have pessimistic thoughts while you’re smiling. "Research has linked smiling to happiness, optimism, successful marriages, good health and positive longevity." (1)

Not only is smiling good for your body, but it’s good for your face. A genuine smile that engages all the muscles around your mouth and eyes, actually acts as a natural face lift making you look younger and more attractive ... and that’s something I think we’d all like a little more of!

It’s difficult sometimes to find things to get us smiling and laughing. But it’s important to recognize the signs of being down, or that we’re weighted down by the things around us and in our lives. And it's important to actively seek out those things that will make us smile and laugh.

Enjoy a fresh pot of coffee, watch a laughing baby video (I dare you not to laugh watching one of those), have a tickle fight with your children, or walk by a bakery when they’re baking bread or cookies. These are all simple things that will bring a surge of pleasure.

Help other people. Try to be attuned to them and recognize when others need to be cheered up and smile at them. It’ll make you both feel better.


1. Keep Smiling! Phillips, Betty W., Ph.D. BettyPhillipsPsychology.com. Web. Accessed: Nov 4, 2014.

2. 8 Benefits of Smiling on Your Health, Wellbeing and Relationships. Staik, Athena, Ph.D. Neuroscience & Relationships. Web. Accessed: Nov 4, 2014.

3. What Does Your Smile Say About You? Barker, Joanne. WebMD. Web. Accessed: Nov 4, 2014.

4. There’s Magic in Your Smile: How Smiling Affects Your Brain. Stevenson, Sarah. Psychology Today. Web. Accessed: Nov 4, 2014.

Reviewed November 5, 2014
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith