Although most babies are born with the ability to see, it takes time for their eyes to learn to work together and for their brains to learn how to interpret what their eyes are showing them.

Over time, your baby will learn to focus on selected objects, track movements, discern between colors, and develop depth perception.

At birth, most infants are able to see to the sides (peripheral vision) but can only focus on stationary objects that are very close in front of them, usually within 8-10 inches. This gives a baby a good view of mom’s or dad’s face during feedings.

Newborn babies can see contrasts between black and white. They cannot immediately distinguish between all colors, but the ability to see color develops very rapidly.

After one week, most babies can see red, orange, yellow and green. Vision for blue and violet develops slightly later.

At birth, a baby’s eyes are very sensitive to light, so his pupils will be very constricted to limit how much light reaches his retina. Researchers call the amount of light needed for a person to notice that the presence of this light the “light detection threshold.”

A one-month old baby has a light detection threshold that is 50 times higher than that of an adult. This means it takes a big change in light levels for a baby to notice that a light has been turned on.

By age three months, baby’s light detection threshold drops to just 10 times higher than that of an adult.

During his first few months, a baby’s eyes start learning how to work together. It is normal for the eyes to occasionally appear crossed at this age as they learn how to focus and follow movements.

By the end of three months, most babies are able to follow moving objects with their eyes and begin reaching for things they can see.

You can encourage your baby’s vision development by giving him interesting things to look at.

• Hang a colorful mobile over his crib. Be sure to include a variety of shapes and colors.

• Position a shatterproof mirror where he can look at his own face.

• Change his view – alternate sides while feeding and use a play mat or gym during tummy time to stimulate his vision.

• Spend time face-to-face and change your expression by making happy, sad or silly faces.

• Hold games, toys and colorful books close so he can focus on them.

• Experiment with different light levels including play time in a bright, sunny room and quiet time in a dimly lit room to give him variety.

All babies should have their eyes checked at birth. The American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends that all babies receive their next eye exam between the ages of six months and one year.

But if you notice anything unusual about your child’s visual development or about the way his eyes appear, talk to your baby’s health care provider or schedule a visit to a pediatric ophthalmologist for an early exam.


American Optometric Association. Infant Vision: Birth to 24 Months of Age. Web. March 12, 2013.

All About Vision. Your Infant’s Vision Development. Gary Heiting, OD. Web. March 12, 2013 Toddlers and Twos. Infanct Vision Development. Stephanie Brown. Web. March 12, 2013.

EyeSmart. Eye Screening for Children. Web. March 12, 2013

Reviewed March 13, 2013
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith