I recently moved across the country to pursue a job and sadly, with an income just slightly above the poverty line in a metropolitan area, paying for a gym membership is not an option for me. This article goes out to young (and old) women who don’t have the resources or time to attend fancy gym facilities. Read to the end – I promise it will be worth it.

1. Walk.
Don’t underestimate the value of even basic movement. You don’t need to be panting and sweating buckets to reap the benefits a light cardio workout. Instead of taking the bus all the way to work, get off a few stops early and walk the rest of the way. Or the whole way! Not only will it get you moving, but it will give you time to clear your head, refresh and energize for the workday or decompress before heading home.

2. Take the stairs.
Whether you work in a multi-storied office, live in a high-rise apartment, or are in the proximity of any tall building, take the opportunity to turn everyday architecture into your own Stairmaster. Climbing stairs gets your heart pumping and tones the muscles in your legs and butt. Plus, avoiding elevators saves electrical energy! Be green, be lean.

3. Go Dancing
It doesn’t cost a thing to go out and get this form of aerobic workout! Many people pay a lot of money for increasingly popular exercise classes like Zumba and Jazzercising, but you can get the same physical benefits without stressing your wallet. Done with enough vigor/spirit, dancing can raise your heart rate and help to sculpt all sorts of different muscles too. And of course – no need to go out to dance! Put on some music in your own home and dance extra calories away.

4. Experiment with the Internet
Podcasts and Exercise videos are increasingly available on the Internet for free. Take 20 minutes when you wake up to run through an online routine and see what a difference it makes in your day. Or get ready for bed with a relaxing yoga practice. All you need is a small mat and a strong Internet connection.
(If you don’t know where to begin, check out my personal favorites: 8-Minute Abs – found on YouTube OR www.yogadownload.com.)

5. Find a Workout Buddy
You’ve heard it before and I’ll say it again now: sex is great exercise. But not any old sex. You can’t lie in the missionary position and expect to be burning calories (or achieving orgasm, for that manner). Experiment with positions that either utilize your core muscles or get your heart pumping (not in the sentimental way, you romantics out there…) For example: A girl-on-top position allows you to control the speed and strength of your movements, and requires you to keep your lower stomach muscles tensed. Or try a standing doggy-style position: If you stand with your legs slightly wider than hip width and bend at the waist, placing your hands on a something for support, you will be working your lower back and thigh muscles – and allowing your partner to hit your G-spot! Think: total body workout and awesome orgasm!

Have no fear, single ladies! Masturbation can be a fantastic way to raise your heart rate and focus on certain muscle groups that might require extra attention too. Tune in to my next article for more about the benefits of solo sex – both physical and otherwise. And try out the suggestions above for affordable, time-efficient and straightforward fitness options! Report back!