We've all been there. Sometimes it’s you, sometimes it’s your gym, but somewhere along the way things just stopped working. It’s time you just threw in the towel (maybe literally) and went your separate ways. It's time you switched gyms.

Luckily, this breakup won’t include a pint of Ben & Jerry’s. Instead, this breakup will kill your workout boredom, help you blast through that plateau, and maybe even let you save a few bucks.

Here are 6 signs you might need to break it off with your current gym:

1) You've hit a plateau.

Maybe the plateau isn't you. Maybe it’s your gym. The weights aren't heavy enough, the elliptical just doesn't get your heart racing anymore, or the motivation is flat-out gone.

When you first sign up for a gym, lifting more than 20 pounds or jogging more than five minutes could seem daunting. In the midst of powering through tough workouts we often forget that progress sneaks up on you.

Progress is essential, but certain gyms only carry weights up to a certain amount or have a handful of cardio machines. It’s easy to not realize when your entire workout becomes your measly warm-up. If this sounds like you, then you might have outgrown your gym.


Kick your gym quality up a notch! Look at gyms that offer classes or personal training sessions. Additionally, make sure the weights allow you to make natural progress and don't create a glass ceiling. You could be one kickboxing class away from blasting through your plateau!

2) It’s not worth the money.

Are you spending $60 a month to use a treadmill? I hate to burst your bubble, but you can walk, jog or run outside for free. Or if you hate the thought of going outdoors, you can probably save up and buy your own treadmill for your home.

If you're a one-trick pony when it comes to workouts, don't waste your money on things you don't need. Think of all the cute workout outfits you could be buying with the money you save!


Really assess whether or not you need all the facilities your gym offers. If you haven't been swimming laps or you haven't taken a Zumba class offered, maybe save a few pennies at a smaller gym that specializes in simple cardio machines. Seriously, saving even $10 a month can add up!

3) You’re bored.

Cheap gyms are great — especially for recent college grads who can’t spare much cash — but if you know the TV channels by heart and don't need to read subtitles because you've seen Bravo reruns enough for a lifetime, maybe you should think twice.

Just going through the motions without engaging and challenging your body isn’t going to get you anywhere.

Want a better gym, but worried about the cost? Look into your company's health and wellness program or see what your health insurance offers. Sometimes there are reimbursements or discounts on memberships for employees or card holders.


Look into specialty gyms. Boxing studios, Soulcycle and CrossFit gyms are great alternatives to traditional health clubs that will focus on challenging your muscles in different ways.

Most facilities will let you try the first class free — so shop around and see if you fall in love with one of these crazy sweaty workouts.

4) You know everyone.

For the social queens, this may not be an issue. You may love seeing everyone you know as you sweat disgusting amounts. However, if you’re like me, you’d rather put on your headphones, shut out the world and see how much you can push yourself in that hour-long workout.

Gyms can be a great place to be social and gain an awesome support system, but if you spend more time chatting than sweating, maybe you need to have your social time outside your yoga class.

Going somewhere you don’t know anyone can be intimidating, but also extremely motivating. You can mentally compete against individuals with different fitness levels and focus entirely on your workout.


Pick a gym that's located between work and home. It will limit the chance of running into people you know and even make the commute home a little less horrible.

Not ready to give up your social scene? Try a Zumba class at a studio. You’re often able to pay per class — or find Groupons — so this will get you out of your comfort social zone at least a couple days a week.

5) You simply don't go.

This one may be obvious, but if you have to talk yourself into going to the gym every day, then maybe it's not the right fit. We all have our bad days but if every trip to the gym is like dragging your dog to the vet, something's not right.

You may not be ready to commit to a gym membership. Be honest with yourself. The $30 deduction in your bank account every month is only slimming your wallet if you're not putting the facility to good use.


Commit yourself to walking or jogging outside three days a week for a month and work yourself up. After you've shown dedication to your health and exercise on your own then you can reward yourself with a gym membership.

6) You're not impressed anymore.

When you first signed up, your gym was a clean, motivating and fun place to get fit and healthy. Unfortunately, somewhere along the line things started to derail and the locker room isn’t quite as clean as you remember, or your spin instructor just doesn’t motivate you with her loop of techno oldies anymore.

In this age, sometimes businesses just can’t stay updated enough. If the machines are too old and the staff isn’t motivating, don’t be afraid to take your money elsewhere.


Request tours of other gyms in your area. This will help you gain perspective on where your gym falls on the scale of quality. Afterward you’ll be able to make a more informed decision if you need to switch gyms, or you realize that your gym isn’t that bad after all.

We all pay a decent amount of money to belong to a gym and if you’re not fully satisfied, don’t be afraid to explore other options.

Just make sure when you end it with your current gym, you stay strong with a firm no — we all know they don’t like taking no for an answer. Once you’re in the clear, enjoy your new gym. I’m sure you both will be very happy together!

What are other tell-tale signs that it’s time to ditch your gym? What helped you realize it was time to throw in the towel?

Edited by Jody Smith