A new class was being offered at my gym, Ballet Fit. I knew the instructor of the class was energetic and challenging. Although I lack graceful dancing skills, I decided to try it. The class was an additional charge to my monthly membership and would be held two nights a week for six weeks. I was excited on the first night as I waited outside the yoga room door with my towel and my bottle of icy water. Bring on the dance.

This was not a traditional cardio class but we did exercises that made my heart pump and my muscles ache. I was sore for two days. Feeling the burn doesn’t start to describe what countless amounts of squats, lifts, and ballet “kicks” leave your legs feeling like. It was no wonder to me that dancers have a fantastically fit bodies and perfectly toned legs. For an hour twice a week, I could count on my legs being worked until they hurt.

Our instructor was precisely what you would picture a graceful ballet dancer to look like. With a small frame, toned muscles and perfectly fit body, she danced effortlessly. But her exercises were tough. We struggled to continue our squats for the duration of Metallica songs. The Ballet class was unexpected, fun, hard work and anything but traditional. Each night that I left that class, my legs felt like jelly as I walked out to my car.

As the weeks passed, I continued to look forward to my Tuesday and Thursday nights of ballet. I enjoyed being there but have to say that the best part of the class were the exercises that I learned and was able to take away with me and do on my own time.

I will never be a dancer and didn’t transform by body like in the “Biggest Loser” but being able to continue working my legs at home with the exercises that I learned made the class worth the money that I spent on it. The flexibility of being able to do these movements at my home and as I watch TV, give me the confidence that by adding it to my routine, it will continue to benefit me.
Keep your workouts fun and try new classes!