In this the 3rd and final article in our series of 3 dealing with both cardiovascular and strength training exercises that can done using just your body weight I will list some of the most common exercises that can be done, keep in mind there are many more you can do.

*Chest/Shoulder/Triceps-push ups, close grip push ups, wide grip push ups, push ups with your feet elevate, 1 arm push ups, “plyo” push ups, pushups into side plank rotation, chair dips

*Back/Biceps-pull-ups, chin ups, neutral grip pull-ups, 1 arm pull-ups, negatives for any of the previously listed

*Core-crunches, double crunches, cross one leg over crunch and twist, bicycle kicks, feet in the air and crunch, v-ups, planks, pelvic raises, superman’s on all 4’s opposite arm and leg raises, hip thrusts, leg raises.

*Legs-squats, plie squats, lunges, side lunges, walking lunges, reverser lunges, 1 leg dead lifts without holding onto anything, donkey kicks, hydrants, seated with legs straight out in front and raise one, squats and side kicks, lunge and kick, laying on your side and pull leg that’s on floor up (inner), laying on your side and raising the top leg up (outer thigh).

*Cardiovascular-running, jogging, walking (can be done in place), step ups, jumping jacks, burpees, side step ups.