When it comes to dancing and exercise, I believe size does not matter. Apparently, neither do several nightclub owners up and down the California coastline who have opened clubs specifically catering to those who are overweight. One such venue is Club Bounce in Long Beach, California.

As many of you who’ve read my articles know, I too used to be severely obese. I weighed 340 lbs to be exact. I know what it feels like to really want to shake it on the dancefloor and not feel comfortable due to my size. I am now not only a trainer, but an aerobics instructor who teaches various dance formats. I encourage people of all shapes and sizes to take my classes. Providing a place where people can dance, socialize, mingle and feel confident is wonderful. When you have an upbeat outlook on life and start implementing some type of movement into your life, chances are you’ll lose weight. I say this not because of how an obese person, such as my former self looks, but the health risks associated with obesity.

When you feel bad about yourself and you isolate yourself, chances are you’re going to remain sedentary and not lose weight. But, something magical happens when you start reconnect with your body and you focus on the attributes that you like instead of “problem areas”. That reconnection translates into better posture, better breathing and an overall feeling of wellbeing. Dancing truly connects people and is a celebration of life, no matter what your shape, size, color, creed, ethnicity or race. Dancing and “feeling the music” is universal.

I carry around what I call, “my fat pants” when I do motivational speeches or television appearances. But, I always say, “Never judge someone who wears this size pants, you never know how they got there.” In my case, it was a medical condition that contributed to my weight gain. I found the support I needed to change both medically, emotionally, physically and ultimately by looking inward. I believe these nightclubs could also partner with different weight loss groups to offer a level of support for their patrons. Perhaps there could be an educational component on nutrition, body image, food addiction therapy, support groups, etc. The nightclubs could be a meeting place, not necessarily on Friday and Saturday nights which should be set aside for socializing and fun! They could offer these services during off peak times for their patrons.

I have people of all different shapes and sizes in my life, but I can tell you the number one thing people talk to me about is losing weight and being healthier. Getting out there, socializing and dancing is a wonderful way to start!

Joanne Sgro is a Television Fitness Expert, Certified Personal Trainer and Sport Nutritionist. She is Certified in Pilates, Pre-natal/Post-Partum, Yoga and Senior Fitness. She specializes in Weight Loss, Post-Rehab and Post Cancer Training. Joanne's fitness plans and recipes are available globally on her website www.fitnessanswer.com. She resides in the Phoenix, AZ area with her fiancé, where she runs her personal training business, Fitness Answer, LLC.