New York University is offering a fascinating course that precedes its lectures with a session of aerobic exercise. This course is the brain-child of associate professor of neuroscience Wendy Suzuki, conceived as a result of her own experience with exercise and heightened cognitive ability. Suzuki went on to discover that after a period of exercise, students will perform better on tests than students who did not exercise beforehand.

In a time when physical education and recess are being phased out of our halls of learning, Suzuki's discovery seems like a very important one indeed. One might hope that this could turn out to be the beginning of a healthy new trend.

“ 'Exercise and the Brain', as the course is called, is not only an experiment studying the link between learning and exercise. It’s not recess, and it’s not quite PE. It’s something different. A course mandating exercise as part of its curriculum is unlike anything seen at any educational institution."