This winter much of the nation is getting pounded with lots of snow. As I sit in the balmy Arizona sunshine writing this article poolside, I want to let you know that I am a Philadelphia native and have experienced plenty a day stuck in the house. So, if your gym is closed and you’re home with the kids on a snow day, here is a great workout using some household items such as laundry detergent and a purse or bag with handles. The bag or purse should have enough stuff in it and weigh about three to five pounds. If you’re anything like me, that should not be a problem. By the way, I am not really by the pool, I just like to entice my family back east to visit me.

Fitness Answer Winter Workout

Hammer Curl for Bicep
Hold bottle by handle at side, palms facing in. Bend arm bringing top of bottle towards shoulders. Repeat on the other side.

Squat Press for Chest, Glutes, Quads and Hamstrings
Hold bottle at center of chest with arms bent and elbows in and close to your hips. Sit back into a squat position like you’re going to sit down in a chair while simultaneously pressing the bottle forward. Slowly come back to starting position and repeat on the other side.

Lateral Raises for Deltoids
Hold bottle by handle at side, palms facing in. Raise arm out to the sides to shoulder level, elbow slightly bent and wrists straight. Lower arm down slowly. Repeat on the other side.

Front Raises for Deltoids
Hold bottle by handle at side, palms facing in. Raise arm out toward the front at shoulder level, elbow slightly bent and wrists straight. Lower arm down slowly. Repeat on the other side.

One Arm Row for Back
Hold bottle in hand and bring leg of weighted side back into a split stance. Lean forward in a flat back position (you can support your weight with other hand leaning on chair or counter) Keeping abs in, bend elbows to rib cage, contracting back and lower back down. Alternate by switching legs and moving weight to other side.

Kickback for triceps
Hold bottle in hand and bring leg of weighted side back into a split stance. Lean forward in a flat back position (you can support your weight with other hand leaning on chair or counter) Keeping abs in, bend elbows to rib cage for starting position. Slowly straighten arm and bring back in to bent elbow position. Alternate sides by switching legs and moving weight.

Hold bottle at center of chest with arms bent and elbows in and close to your hips. Slowly crunch forward contracting abdominals as you exhale and inhale back to starting position.

Leg Lift for the Quadriceps
Hold bag so the bottom of it rests lightly on foot, bend knee, lifting leg up and contracting quadriceps. Do three sets of 15 on each side.

Leg Extension for the Quadriceps
Hold bag so the bottom of it rests lightly on foot, bend knee, lifting leg up. Hold this position as you extend leg and contract the quadriceps. Be careful not to lockout the knee. Do three sets of 15 on each side.

Leg Curl for the Hamstrings
Lift right heel off ground and rest bag lightly on heel. Bend knee and curl knee slowly up toward buttocks. Do three sets of 15 on each side.

Abductor Leg Lift for Outer Thigh/Glutes
Hold bag so it rest lightly along your outer calf. Slowly lift leg out toward the side. Do three sets of 15 on each side.

Upright Row for the Deltoids
Hold handles in an overhand grip and row upwards, bringing elbows to shoulder height. Do three sets of 15.

Curls for Biceps into Tricep Pushback
Hold handle with palm facing out. Keeping abs in and knees slightly bent, bend arm and bring palms toward shoulders in a bicep curl. Unbend the arm back the starting position and then while keeping arm straight press arm back squeezing tricep. Do three sets of 15 on each side.

Standing Crunches
Place arms through straps of bag and hold bag tight toward chest. Bend knees slightly and crunch downward while tightening the abdominals.

Joanne Sgro is a Television Fitness Expert, Certified Personal Trainer and Sport Nutritionist. She is Certified in Pilates, Pre-natal/Post-Partum, Yoga and Senior Fitness. She specializes in Weight Loss, Post-Rehab and Post Cancer Training. Joanne's fitness plans and recipes are available globally on her website She resides in the Phoenix, AZ area with her fiancé, where she runs her personal training business, Fitness Answer, LLC.