Don't let anybody tell you that girls can't cut it on a skateboard. Males still outnumber females but things have been changing and will probably continue to change. accounts for this shift at least in part with the fact that the X-Games are increasingly popular, as have video game franchises and anything to do with the internet.

Another reason is very likely that girls and women are continuing to come out of their shell.

You know the shell. The one that made them spectators while the guys did their thing but didn't allow them to get out there and take part.

So if more girls and women are taking to the skateboard, it's very possibly for one simple reason. They want to get on their skateboards and ride.

That's it. Beautifully simple.

If you're a female skateboarder wannabe, here are a few pointers to help you get moving. You'll need more than just the skateboard.

A helmet for girls is a bit smaller than a guy's. You should get elbow pads, knee pads.

You should also invest in wrist guards because when you're starting out you are going to be spending some time falling on your hands on the ground.

Skate shoes differ from regular sports shoes in that they have bottoms that are flatter and bigger. They have side panels that are reinforced to prevent wear and tear, and padding for ankle support around the back of the shoe.

You stand on the wooden deck. The top of the deck is sand paper that creates grips for your skate shoes. Trucks attach wheels to the deck, and make it possible for you to turn your wheels.

To start off, when you step on your board, you can stand with your left foot in the front, and push the skateboard with your right foot. Or you can reverse your feet.

To stop, shift your weight to your back foot and let it drag on the ground or lift off your back foot and let it drag beside the skateboard on the ground.

To turn your board, lean on one edge or the other, or lift the front of the skateboard and turn it from one side to the other. This is called tic tacing.

The first thing you learn may be the ollie. To perform this, crouch low, putting your front foot halfway down the board.

Jump and slap the tail of your skateboard with your back foot. Slide your front foot forward while you're in the air, and lift up your other foot.

Pull your knees to your chest to go as high as possible, and crouch as you're landing so the shock of the drop is absorbed.

Finessed your ollie? Congratulations. Get on your board and ride.


Beginner's Guide to Skateboarding. Retrieved May 30, 2012.

How to Skateboard for Girls. Retrieved May 30, 2012.

Visit Jody's website and blog at and

Reviewed on May 31, 2012
by Maryann Gromisch, RN