The first part of this two article series focused on how to stick to the basics of eating: 2 complex carbohydrates a day, 30-50 grams of healthy fats, and protein in each meal (approximately 15-25 grams). This article is going to address exercise and what duration and type is best.

Exercise is something we should all be doing on a daily basis. But how much? What type? Again, if we stick to keeping it simple I recommend you lift 2-3 days a week for no more than 45 minutes per session. Cardio should be 20-45 minutes per session and done 4-6 days a week.

Again these should be modified based on your fitness level and goal(s). Make sure you consult your physician before starting any exercise and/or diet plan! If your goals are weight loss and general fitness the previously mentioned split will work focusing on major muscle groups and compound movements (exercise that work multiple muscle groups).

These exercises include, but are not limited to: squats, dead lifts pull-ups, push ups, lunges, presses, rows, etc… If you are looking to build muscle, I suggest you do less cardio and lift more. Lifting 4 to 5 days a week with cardio being done for 20-30 minutes 4-6 days a week may be a better choice for you. I highly recommend consulting a professional certified personal trainer to get set up on the right program for you as everyone’s body is unique.