In my previous article, I promised my upcoming submission would demonstrate the fitness benefits of masturbation. At the time I believed that with little effort I would find scientific articles proving my hypothesis – masturbation can improve your health in similar ways to exercise. Much to my frustration, I came across no such articles.

However, while there is no official research done on the topic, my own reading indicates that the benefits of masturbation are extremely similar to those of physical exercise. Below is an outline of some of the similarities between these two worthwhile activities. I’ll let you draw your own conclusions.

After leaving the gym, how do you feel? Proud, satisfied, optimistic? Less stressed and better able to concentrate? Do you feel connected to and aware of your body? Perhaps more self-confident? How about after masturbating?
- Exercising can produce endorphins; pleasure hormones that make you feel contented and even euphoric. There’s quite a bit of research investigating the value of physical activity for treating depression, due to this neurotransmitter.
- Masturbation stimulates the release of a number of similar neurotransmitters, including endorphins, that leave you feeling happy and sensitive to touch. The result is an identical feeling of euphoria, optimism and self-satisfaction.

- Sexual arousal during masturbation raises levels of prolactin significantly, causing a hormonal feedback loop that can inhibit the desire for food consumption.
- Exercise also stimulates a rise in the level of prolactin in your body, often resulting in temporary appetite suppression.

- Exercise helps to reduce levels of the hormone cortisol in your body, a chemical associated with stress that also builds fat in the abdominal region.
- Many women also demonstrate a lowered level of cortisol after masturbating and solo sex is widely accepted as a form of stress relief.
Just like exercise, masturbation allows you to apply mental energy to the functions of your body, allowing you to put aside thoughts of work or school or trouble at home and focus on kinesthetics. Sometimes, this distraction is all we need! But the chemical processes mentioned above certainly play an important role in stress reduction as well.

Hot tip: The alleviation of cramps and other PMS symptoms can be traced back to the reduction of cortisol and increase of prolactin that are linked to both of these activities.

One of the major benefits of physical activity is working up a sweat. This natural process and subconscious method of bodily temperature regulation helps to rid your body of toxins, cleanse your skin and inspires you to hydrate. Sweating is one of the quickest ways to shed extra pounds (in moderation) and its counterpart - drinking water - will expedite the process of clearing out your system and keeping your body working efficiently.
- Only once the body warms and begins to produce sweat during exercise is it able to reach the energy level that allows for fat burning.
- Does masturbation cause you to sweat? You better believe it. Does this mean you are burning calories? Absolutely.

- Exercise can help to build your muscles, allowing for better posture, better flexibility and easier movements. It is especially crucial in training your cardiovascular system – a series of muscles that includes your heart.
- Masturbation strengthens both your pelvic muscles and your heart, as the intensity of stimulation raises the heart rate in a similar fashion to physical activity and thus can improve cardiovascular health.

- Thanks to many of the properties above (the cleansing process, toning, release of important hormones) regular exercise and general care for your body helps to boost your immune system.
- Masturbation can help to prevent bladder infections by flushing out bad bacteria and increasing the flow of “friendly” bacteria. Similarly, women who masturbate or orgasm often are shown to have lower rates of cervical cancer and type-2 diabetes!

A rundown - boosted immunity; a chance to cleanse your system; toned muscles and a cardiovascular workout; calorie burning; stress relief; temporary appetite suppression; increased self-confidence and feelings of happiness; emotional and mental well-being; a chance to explore and familiarize yourself with your body, learning the best way to stimulate, push and nurture yourself from head to toe.

Looks like masturbation and exercise have a lot in common! Please contact me if you would like to see my information sources. And share your own opinion below!