Can I dance? Two words: Hell no. Now, I’ve been known to shake my booty and get down at a family wedding, but I’m pretty sure it’s not overly graceful or rich in talent.

In fact, I’m sure it’s entertaining on all the wrong levels…like the ones that involve hysterical laughing.

The thing is, it’s fun! You sweat, you laugh, you feel the burn, and most of the people around you look just as silly. So who cares?!?

On a recent vacation, I decided to attend the Latin-inspired dance classes that were being offered. What did I have to lose? It’s not like I was going to see any of my fellow dancers again, and vacation is always a nice time to try something new and daring (not to mention, it’s also a time when my pants might get a little tighter on me if I’m too lazy).

What a blast! I was a meringue and cha-cha addict by the end of the trip. The instructors even said I was a “promising” beginner. Granted, there’s a good chance they might have said that to everyone, but I’ll hold onto it for what it’s worth. I worked up a great sweat, learned a new hobby, and had the time of my life. It made me feel so healthy throughout the trip, both physically and mentally, and it’s something I’ve continued to practice since.

I know the old gym routine or morning run gets old. I dread the thought of the typical, monotonous, everyday workout. We all know we have to exercise, so why not make it something to look forward to? Check out that hip hop dance class at your gym. Tell your friend you will finally join her kayaking. Take some regular walks with a couple of friends who make you laugh. Kick boxing anyone?
Make being healthy fun!! Try something new, even if it’s out of character, and I bet you will surprise yourself. The good time you have will leave you wanting more, and your body and mind will certainly thank you in the long run.