Turns out maybe we don't have to engage in stretching exercises in order to become more flexible after all. Some new research is suggesting that a good resistance training regimen can be more effective than doing stretches in order to gain greater flexibility.

Researchers from the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks decided to find out if the old belief held water or not. Twenty-five college-age subjects were assigned strength training or stretching programs.

"Participants were randomly assigned to strength training or stretching programs focusing on the hamstring muscles and hip, shoulder, and knee muscles and joints for five weeks. As a comparison group, 12 other students engaged in neither type of exercise."

The researchers found that those subjects performing a resistance training regimen became more flexible, and also increased in strength. So if you like to exercise but have felt guilty about skimping on the stretching beforehand, this could be good news for you. Enjoy your resistance training regimen, and gain greater flexibility as a great bonus.
