I am devoted to "changing up my workouts" in the hopes of seeing some new results. Keeping up with my trend of trying new classes at the gym, last week I tried one called “Will Power and Grace.” The class description is “Will Power and Grace is a sweaty, dynamic fusion of the most popular group exercise workouts. The cardio segment is a fusion of calisthenics, dance principles and functional training drills. You will walk away sweaty, sculpted and stretched.”

My interest in this class first peaked when I heard someone in my yoga class recommend it. Aside from the description, I didn’t know quite what to expect but was willing to give it a try. Challenging, check. Something different, check. Time fits in my schedule, check. So on a Thursday morning, with two kids in tow, I set off to the gym for a little “Will Power and Grace.”

True to its description, in this class you get cardio work as you work your muscle groups. You are barefoot in class, use your own body weight for resistance and may use a yoga mat if you wish. We did endless amounts of lunges and squats. I challenged myself to keep up even as my legs were screaming out “NO MORE!” I could feel beads of sweat trickling down the small of my back. I was so relieved when the repetitions were over, until the moment came that I realized we still had to work the other side.

In addition to the squats and lunges, we held simple yoga poses to work on balance. My legs were shaking the entire time as I focused on a spot on the floor in order to keep my balance. As the rest of the class concentrated on holding their pose, I silently willed the fat to melt off my body. As far as giving you a sense of accomplishment, this class is challenging enough that you feel proud of yourself when you finish. The teacher is motivating and has clever names for the exercise moves. I have to say, any class that has a pose called “the Charlie’s Angels” is a class for me. Will Power and Grace ends with a much needed segment of stretching.

By the end of class, I was glad that I brought my towel because the description wasn’t lying, I was sweaty. And stretched for that matter. I am not yet sure about the sculpted but I will let you know. This is a class I plan to take weekly, and I almost can’t wait for Thursday at Mountainside Fitness.