The 3rd installation of our “Shaking Things Up” articles is going to look at the benefits of using total vibration in regards to increasing Human Growth Hormone production.

Studies have been done on the plate in regards to Human Growth Hormone production. This is critical for all individuals, especially those over 30 years of age.

After the age of 30, about every 5 years are bodies will decrease the production of HGH, so it is important we stimulate as much as we can naturally! This occurs by using larger muscle groups, rest, proper nutrition and the correct supplementation.

Since we are working larger and more muscles using the plate, we will increases the production of HGH. This is important because the more lean muscle one is able to maintain the more fat she/he will burn. Remember, one pound of muscle can burn 20-100 kcal a day while a lb of fat only burns 8 kcal a day. However, the plate should not take the place of proper nutrition and rest. It should be used in conjunction with.

I know many of you may think this article is too good to be true. Often times things that sound this good are. However, I invite you to try the Power Plate for yourself and feel the difference. I also encourage you to research vibration training and read the scientific research for yourself.

Vibration training has been around since the 19th century. In the 20th century, scientific research was conducted to understand the influence of vibration on bone density. Scientists found vibration therapy improved bone density enormously in astronauts that would normally lose bone density and experience muscle atrophy due to zero gravity. After the fall of the Iron Curtain, vibration research turned to performance among athletes and the Power Plate (a Dutch product) was invented and introduced to the U.S. in 2001. Since then, it has been featured in the media a number of times. From Muscle and Fitness, Iron Man, Sweat Magazine, to Good Morning America, Inside Edition, and local news people are talking about the value of training on the Power Plate. The Power Plate has also been used by several professional athletes and teams (Lance Armstrong, Chicago Bulls, Chicago White Sox, several World Cup teams, Olympic athletes) and celebrities (Madonna, Claudia Schiffer, and more).