I still find myself wanting to shed my baby weight. Except now my baby is 19 months old and I feel like the process is slow going.

As the New Year approached, I became motivated to get serious about losing unwanted weight. I have been sick twice since I began writing about my weight loss journey, causing week-long breaks my fitness routines. It is discouraging to get into a rhythm then have it broken. It is so much harder to start back up again. Still, an upcoming vacation keeps me focused on what I am trying to accomplish.

Although it is normal to want fast results, I try to remind myself that slow weight loss is healthy weight loss and is more likely to stay off. I am reviewing Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred Workout DVD. So far, I am pleased. I was on day 12 when I became sick and was forced to take a week off. I dreaded starting those workouts again because I knew what to expect. I sweat, I pant, I swear at the TV. Her workouts are a challenge but the most effective thing about that DVD is the length of the workouts. With each workout being under 30 minutes, I can convince myself that I have time in my day to do it. During the exercise when my body is hurting and my mind is trying to find reasons to stop, I look at the clock and realize that I only have 10 or six or three minutes left. It is fast paced and doesn’t waste any time. Now, I'm on day six and will keep it up until day 30.

So far, the results are encouraging. In the five weeks that I have been recording my weight loss, I have lost four pounds. Four pounds is not enough to start noticing a change in how your clothes fit or a visible difference in your appearance but it is change, and hopefully a permanent one.