Summer is upon us with Memorial Day next week and it is time for us to shed out jackets and go sleeveless. Although, we here in Phoenix have been in tank tops and halters for several months already. One of the questions I always hear from my clients is, “How can I get toned arms?” Of course my answer is the same for almost every body part and that is that you cannot spot reduce, but with proper nutrition, and a workout specifically designed to firm up your upper extremities, you’ll be looking good by the 4th of July!

One of the ways to maximize your time and muscle fatigue is to super set. A super set is two exercises performed back to back with no rest in between those exercises. For example, you'll do 12-15 reps of a tricep exercise, followed immediately by you doing 12-15 reps of a bicep exercise. Keep in mind that by building muscle, you’re raising your metabolism. If you’re eating properly, the new muscle you build will eventually burn off the flab. Don’t get discouraged and stick with the plan.

Here is your Super Set Workout for Summer Sexy Arms:

Band Bicep Curls
Stand on the band and hold handles with palms facing out. Keeping abs in and knees slightly bent, bend arms and bring palms toward shoulders in a bicep curl. If you need to modify, position feet wider for more tension or stand on band with just one foot for less tension. Return to start and repeat.

Band Tricep Extension
Hold the band in both hands at shoulder level with right arm bent so that it's in front of the chest, left arm straight out. Keeping the left arm straight to hold tension on the hand, contract the triceps to straighten the right arm. Return to start and repeat before switching sides.
Rest 15 seconds between each super set then repeat three times.

Isolated Bicep Curls
Sit on resistance ball or chair with legs wide and feet turned out. Hold weight in one hand and lean in resting elbow against inner thigh, without rounding shoulders. Slowly lower weight down bringing arm almost straight to prepare for repetition. Curl weight up toward shoulder and slowly lower back down. Repeat on other side.

Overhead Tricep Extension
Hold weight overhead, arm straight up. While keeping your bicep close to your ear, drop your forearm behind the head. Contract the triceps to straighten the arm. Return to start and repeat on the other side.
Rest 15 seconds between each super set then repeat three times.

Dumbbell Hammer Curls
Hold weights at sides, palms facing in, like you would grasp a hammer. Bend arms bringing top of weight towards shoulders and slowly lower back down. .

Dumbbell Tricep Kickback
Place one hand on the back of a chair. Hold weight in opposite hand. Bring leg of weighted side back into a split stance. Bend over from waist, supporting your weight on chair. Keeping abs in, row elbows up high past rib cage for starting position. Extend weight back, straightening arm and repeat.

Rest 15 seconds between each super set then repeat three times.

Joanne Sgro is a Television Fitness Expert, Certified Personal Trainer and Sport Nutritionist. She is Certified in Pilates, Pre-natal/Post-Partum, Yoga and Senior Fitness. She specializes in Weight Loss, Post-Rehab and Post Cancer Training. Joanne's fitness plans and recipes are available globally on her website She resides in the Phoenix, AZ area with her fiancé, where she runs her personal training business, Fitness Answer, LLC.