As our society becomes more interested in brevity, our workouts are following suit. Like it or not, Vines and Tweets are replacing movies and books. Long half-hearted sessions reading a book on a treadmill have been replaced by shorter, more efficient workouts.

No equipment, 45 seconds on, 15 seconds off workouts are all the rage. Whether you call them HIIT or Tabata or pyramid workouts doesn’t matter. It takes the “I don’t have time” excuse out of the equation.

Fitness can fit into any busy life. Whether you have some time on the kitchen floor while your dinner is simmering, or you are taking a session outside between pulling weeds, is your decision.

Download an app for an interval timer on your phone — many of them are free — and take that 15-minute window you have to increase your fitness.

Do remember to follow your body and respect where it is at the moment. Being mindful of your current body is a better indication of long-term health than doing too much, too soon.

Three workouts with seven moves each. Repeat each workout plan once with a one-minute break between rounds to take a sip of water and catch your breath.

Cardio Queen Workout:

1) Burpees

We know, we hate them too, but they really are effective and it is only for 45 seconds of your life (at one time).

Squat down and touch the floor, then jump or walk back into a plank position.

Jump or walk forward to the squat again and stand up (or jump up if you are feeling zesty). Do as many as you can.

2) Jumping jacks or walking jacks

Feet out to the side, arms above the head, followed by feet together, arms by the side of the body. The classic never dies.

3) Lunges or jumping lunges

Keep your upper body straight up and down, head over the pelvis.

Reach forward with one leg and bend both knees to about 90 degrees. Switch legs.

Slower doesn’t necessarily mean easier. Your heart rate might not go up as fast, but you will build muscular endurance.

4) Mountain climbers

Get into a plank position and lift your right foot off the floor, then bring your knee as close to your chest as you can.

Return to the start, and repeat with the left leg.

Go as fast as you can, as if you were climbing a mountain in an incredibly awkward way.

5) Skater jumps

Imagine doing a curtsy with a jump in between, or copying a speed skater without the ice. Jump from side to side as many times as you can in 45 seconds, trying to be soft with your landing.

6) Double jump squats

Jump up and down twice. On the third time, do a low squat. Repeat.

Sounds easy, but like many forms of exercise, it is easier said than done.

7) Plank

Create one long line with your body, on your forearms or your hands. There are many ways to modify, whether you would like to be on your knees or move your feet onto something elevated to increase the challenge.

This static exercise will help to bring your heart rate down to get you ready for round two.

The Baby Got Back Workout:

1) High knees

Lift your knees as high as you can and switch. This can be done slowly for a low impact movement, or explosively for high impact.

2) Front kicks

Put your guard up in front of your face and kick as high as you can, imagining your inner martial artist.

3) Single-legged squats

Make sure to remember what leg you use. Bend one knee and bring the other leg behind you in the air. That leg can be bent or straight.

Lower the knee an inch and lift the knee an inch of the standing leg. Feel the burn!

4) Quick feet

Also known as the football shuffle, this involves getting low and moving your feet as fast as you can. You will feel the vibration through your whole body.

5) Butt kicks

As if this workout wasn’t kicking your butt enough — move your feet to your butt as fast as you can. This is great for increasing the strength in your hamstrings.

6) Single leg bridge pulses

Use the same leg that you did before in exercise #3. Lie on your back and lift that leg up straight to the ceiling.

Next, lift and lower your hips by pushing up with the other leg, keeping the first leg up and your hips square.

7) Get low squat pulses

Get into a squat and rather than holding it, make it even more intense by lowering and lifting a tiny amount.

The Ab-solutely Killer Workout

1) Plié hops

Spread your legs wide, toes out, knees over ankles. Jump into the air and land on the balls of your feet with bent knees.

If this brings any strain to your joints, just pulse up and down. Engage your core the whole time.

2) Leg lifts and lowers

Get on your back and lift your legs up to the ceiling. Keeping your legs straight, lower your legs down towards the ground as far as you can. You do not want to be feeling your back doing this exercise.

Slowly lift the legs back up. The slower the better.

3) Plank jacks

Get in plank position and jump your legs out as if you were doing a jumping jack and then draw them back in to standard plank position.

This can also be done walking the legs out and back in. Just switch the leg you lead with in the second round.

4.) Hip drops

Come into plank position on your forearms. Keep both forearms down, eyes forward and drop one hip close to the floor, then the other, alternating as many times as you can in 45 seconds. This is a really great one for the obliques.

5) Jump over

Choose something to jump over — a book or a yoga mat are fine choices. Then jump from side to side over that object, bending your knees as you land.

6) Triple crunch

Lie down on your back. Bend your knees and put the bottoms of your feet onto the floor. Bring your hands by the back of your head. Lift up your head one, two and three times contracting your abdomen, lowering down for a count of one.

Repeat to target those upper abdominals.

7) Side plank

Place the forearm or hand of one side on the floor and lie on the knee or the side of the foot on that same side. Lift up and hold for 45 seconds so you make a straight line with your body.

If you don’t feel challenged enough, use the time to lift and lower your hips.

Fifteen minutes have never been so efficient.

Reviewed June 8, 2016
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith