You've been dreaming about the beach with its inviting water, sand and sun for months. The time has come to make the dream a reality.

And not a moment too soon, because you are so done with going through the tedious paces of your workout routines inside. Now you can get some exercise out in the sweet open air while you have a good time.

Pick up a volleyball, a football or a frisbee and let 'er fly. A little of this kind of action will strengthen your arms and upper back, and give you a cardiovascular boost. And you thought you were just having some fun.

Has it been a long time since you've made a sand castle? Have you ever made a sand castle?

Whether you've ever done it before or not, working that shovel will also work your arms and upper back and in the end you'll have yourself a castle and a moat. Or at least a mound of sand with a stick in it for a flag.

Maybe a little regular workout might be bearable after all. If you think so, get down in the sand for some push-ups, sit-ups and crunches.

Or if you are the more meditative sort, a beach can be a conducive environment for some yoga in the sand.

Like to wander the beach and collect sea shells? While you're gathering shells, you'll also be working your lower back, your quadriceps and your hamstrings.

And walking or running in the sand will give you more results than walking on other surfaces like a sidewalk, a dirt trail or a treadmill, not the least of which is a cardiovascular workout.

Sand offers some nice resistance while at the same time it's less jarring to the body than running on the street. Just be careful while doing your thing in the sand if you have weak or damaged ankles.

Sidle over a little further and you'll find yourself walking or running in the water. This is a nice low-impact way to exercise.

Warming up will reduce muscle stiffness and soreness and make you less likely to get hurt.

Walking for 5 to 10 minutes will raise your heart rate which is a bonus in the cardiovascular department.

Do a warm-up run on the beach and then head out into the water. Once you're up to your knees in it, try running for a stretch. It's okay to start and stop a few times if you're not used to this.

Plunging in for a swim can be very tempting. But only do this if you are an able swimmer, and follow the buddy system.

Always swim with a friend. Maybe two. A safe time at the beach is a happy time at the beach.


How to Exercise at the Beach. Retrieved June 4, 2012.

Hit the Surf With Beach Workouts. Retrieved June 4, 2012.

Exercise on the Beach. Retrieved June 4, 2012.

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