Turkey arms. Bat wings. If you're middle-aged, chances are you know what I'm talking about. We've all seen them. Maybe we've got them.

Maybe you look like a flying squirrel in a sleeveless sundress. And maybe you feel like you're stuck with turkey arms for the rest of your natural life. But even if you are presently the wistful owner of a pair of bat wings, there is a way out.

"So, how do you get rid of them. Easy! Stop chowing down on pizza, improve your diet and start working the triceps. Those are the muscles on the back of your arms ... Ladies, do the same and soon you will love wearing those sundresses again."

There are exercises that target and strengthen the triceps. These exercises can be done at the gym with machines that specifically target the triceps. Or they can be done at home with resistance bands. You can progressively increase the resistance of the bands as your triceps grow stronger and more toned.
