You don't have to spend a fortune on a gym membership and personal trainer to get into shape. Just get the right pair of shoes.

Then you can begin a running regimen that will lower your risk for cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis and metabolic syndrome according to research from Stanford University.

Running enhances your sense of wellbeing and lowers stress levels.

Running USA reported that a trim figure and lowered stress levels are just a few of the reasons women are running off the excess weight and building muscle.

Running can burn more calories per minute than most other workouts. In the case of a woman weighing 140 pounds, can burn off more than 500 calories in an hour.

Intense running when done by an able-bodied woman burns more calories, enhances your metabolism. You're fitness on the hoof. Mixing it up will keep you from getting bored, and keep you on the move.

Wind sprints involves jogging then sprinting then jogging once more. Running up hills is an extreme workout.

You may have sore muscles in your arms, legs, back and behind (and you will, count on it) but if you can do it, this is going to firm your lower body big-time.

Consider this a major cardiovascular workout giving results the equivalent of serious weight training.

Common sense will tell you that one of the biggest factors that will determine whether your running experience is successful and enjoyable, or miserable and crippling is your shoes.

Good shoes will support your ankles and your arches, offering a cushion of protection. Before you buy your running shoes, think about what kind of running you plan to do.

For serious running, go for lightweight shoes. If you're into distance running or if you're planning on hitting a variety of terrains, you'll want to choose your footwear accordingly.

A running shoe specialist can determine the mold and curvatures of your feet and help you find what you need.

What kind of arch do you have? Is it a low, normal or high arch?

This will determine whether you need customized shoes or whether you need to have sole inserts to keep you comfortable.

How's the fit feel? Remember what your mom always told you.

You want your shoes to be snug but not too tight, and not too loose. Too tight is going to hurt, and too loose can lead to blisters.

Once you've got your feet in the right shoes, you're ready to hit the pavement. Or the trail, the hill, the sand or the treadmill.

Just take a deep breath and follow your feet.


Running Tips: How To Get Started. Retrieved June 13, 2012.

How to Intensify Your Running and Lose More Weight. Retrieved June 13, 2012.

How to Find a Good Fit for Running Shoes. Retrieved June 13, 2012.

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