Let's start out with the good stuff: YOU can win amazing prizes from Nike just because you are reading this article. (Thanks, by the way!) Nike launched a sweepstakes last week in conjunction with this series of articles to give readers a chance to win prizes like an iPad2 (complete with the Nike Training Club app) and cool Nike gear including the Legend Pant, Victory Bra, and Free XT Motion Fit+! Go ahead and enter. It takes about 10 seconds and then you can get on with your workout (or not).

So week 4 was a hard one for me. I met my goals (five cardio workouts and six Nike Training Club activities) but I had so much going on I feel like I didn't focus enough on working out this week and it showed in my measurements. It was the first week of school for my oldest child (Pre-K) and getting back in the school routine was harder on me then it was on her. I did lose 1 pound, which means the scale is going in the right direction, but I just wish it didn't take SO much work for that one stinking pound.

The bright side for me was that because of the Nike Training Club app I was able to get in a few "extra" workouts on days when I just couldn't get to the gym and the Georgia heat kept me indoors. If I didn't get those workouts in I probably wouldn't have even lost the one pound that I did. On two occasions I pulled out my iPad in my kids' playroom and did a 15 minute "Get Focused" workout while they played. (The "sculptured legs" one is KILLER!) My four year old even did the ab workout with me (though her toe touches left something to be desired).

I'm learning that I need to just fit workouts in any way I can. That should be my new motto. The workouts don't have to be pretty. I don't have to have the medicine ball they recommend. I don't need to be in a gym with my Nike Airs laced up. I can throw on my husband's t-shirt and do a workout in bare feet. I just need to get it done. And I will.


My goal for next week is to continue with the cardio sessions (5) and do all seven of the Get Focused workouts. (These are 15 minute workouts each focused on one thing: cardio, shoulders, arms, abs, legs, back, or butt.) Wish me luck!

The Nike Training Club App is a full-body functional training app designed for you to make yourself whatever you want to be. Whether you’re looking to get lean, toned, or strong, NTC takes every workout to the next level. Download it here.

Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Nike Women via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Nike Women.

Edited by Jody Smith