Time is a big obstacle for me when it comes to exercise. It is not just the time that I spend actually at the gym. It is not even the drive time to get there. The biggest challenge is getting my children ready and out the door when they really don’t want to go.

For any given day that I plan to go to the gym, here is the time involved. My actual workout is approximately one hour. I need to arrive at least fifteen minutes early to check the kids into child care. I have a fifteen minute drive there and back. I have to begin getting ready 30-45 minutes before I plan to leave, in order to dress myself, the kids, pack up water and a snack, help everyone find their shoes and socks, and check my bag to be sure that I have diapers, wipes, name bands, an emergency change of baby clothes and anything that I might need for afterwards. Basically, any day that I plan on going to the gym, I need to allow almost two and a half hours. Two and half hours of free time a day is hard to find. No wonder I can only seem to manage it two days a week.

Then a friend told me about Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred workout DVD. The DVD contains three different workouts which progress by level of intensity. Each workout is 22 minutes. Really, 22 minutes! It sounded like something I at least had to try. I liked the idea of having a workout option for days that I couldn’t get to the gym. I liked not having to drive anywhere or pack anything. It would be fantastic if I could get my exercise in while the baby slept and as the other kids played in the comfort of their own home. As much as I like the classes at the gym, I couldn’t deny that 22 minutes was easier to find than two and half hours. This was not a replacement for my gym membership but something additional that I would try.

I started these daily workouts last Friday. With the exception of Sunday, I have completed level one every day. Her approach is strong. The workouts provide a two minute warm-up, three, six-minute circuits that include strength training, cardio and abdominal work, and a two minute cool down. The workouts keep you moving and I find myself challenged. But best of all, it is part of my daily schedule and I am able to find 22 minutes a day to do something that I know is making my body stronger (and hopefully leaner). In 30 days, we will see what happens…to be continued in Part Two.