There is no question about it; yoga is a hip new trend in the world of exercise and health. It has become quite ordinary to see fit people strolling around busy metro areas with rolled up yoga mats under their arms, clad only in spandex-oriented clothing and emanating an aura of tranquility, balance and rabid “hippie” ideals. I admit it, readers – I count myself among the throngs of brainwashed yoga enthusiasts. I have been known to refer to “holistic health,” the “mind-body connection,” and the need to “breathe through pain” or “overcome negativity.” I am embarrassed about this but there is nothing I can do. So, as the yogese teach, I will embrace my situation.

This means it is time for a series of articles on yoga and sex. Obviously.

While it would be easy to jump quickly to the topic of certain suggestive body poses in yoga and their related sex positions, there are important non-physical benefits that doing yoga can bring to your sex life too. (Don’t worry – I plan to talk about yoga and sex positions in upcoming articles.) Because a large part of yoga centers around mind discipline, concentration on the present moment, and acknowledging sensations, it is inherently good training for an enhanced sexual experience.

As I have discussed in previous articles, a woman’s mental power/awareness contributes hugely to her ability to achieve orgasm. Because our brains are wired to multi-task and we are easily distracted from the present, many women find it difficult to maintain arousal when stressed, or juggling a busy schedule. Yoga requires that you draw your energy inwards, focusing on the feelings of your body, your breathing patterns, and creating a clear, open mind.

These ideas translate very well to better sex. If we can train our brains to shut off outside distractions and hone in on simple sensations, we will feel stimulation more intensely and be able to integrate the feelings more deeply. Try this next time you are engaging in sexual activity, whether by yourself or with a partner:

Close your eyes and allow your breath to settle into a slow in and out rhythm.
Bring your focus to the point of stimulation, whether it is your lips, your nipples, your clitoris, or some other single erogenous zone, and hold it there, maintaining slow breathing for as long as possible.

See how long you can simply breathe and feel before your mind becomes active again.

Keep practicing! With time, this mental exercise can strengthen your mind's ability to process feelings, enhancing arousal.

Yoga instructors are constantly reminding their followers to acknowledge themselves for practicing, to feel good about the good that they are doing for their bodies and mind, to recognize that the efforts they make will expand horizons and result in positive outcomes. There is no reason we shouldn’t feel the same way for having sex! If we allow it, sex can be a health-inspiring activity in all realms of wellness: emotionally; mentally; physically and socially. And we deserve to acknowledge ourselves for engaging in healthy sexual practices. Let yourself feel good about the time you set aside to be intimate. Just like yoga, it can bring you peace of mind, boost your endorphins and let you break a sweat!

Stay tuned for more on sex and yoga!