In this the 3rd part of our 4 part series on your core and exactly what it is and how to strengthen it, I will address the muscles that are found in the back and gluteus. The 1st two parts explained how to strengthen the muscles in the abdomen along with the major two in one’s hips.

*Erector Spinae – These three muscles run along your neck and lower back. Hyperextension, super mans, opposite arm and leg raises, seated rows, etc… are all great movements to target this important area. The stronger one’s back the less the abs have to work to stabilize. Many individuals sit at a desk or in their car all day and compress these muscles. It is important to not only strengthen, but to stretch these muscles to prevent injury to the back.

*Multifdus – located under the erector spinae along the vertebral column. These allow one to extend and rotate the spine and are targeted with the same movements listed under the Erector spinae.

*Gluteus Medius and Minimus – located at the side of the hip. These muscles are what most people will refer to as your “butt”. They will be targeted with squats, lunges, pushing the leg away from you (behind), step ups, etc…

*Gluteus Maximus, Hamstring group, Piriformis – located in the back of the hip and thigh. Same movements as above for the Gluteus Maximus. To target the other two muscles, leg curls and stiff leg dead lifts are two great movements to target them.