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Medical Sexism: Have You Experienced This? Join this Group

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by Magnolia Miller 12 years ago
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As women we are often not taken seriously with our symptoms, but lumped into the "psycho-somatic" or "hysterical" or "psychologically depressed" category when we present with symptoms that may stump doctors. How often have you got to the doctor with very real symptoms only to leave with an RX for depression meds, or advice to see a shrink, or some Maalox when you were having a heart attack? Do you know that the word "hysterical" has as it's root the latin word "hyster" which mean uterus!! So how many thousands of years have women been brushed off as crazy because they possess a uterus and not taken seriously for their health concerns! The following link is to a news report that shows how medical sexism is particularly prevalent when it comes to diagnosing and treating women's heart disease. I myself was given acid reflux medicine and sent home from the hospital when I was actually having a heart attack. It took another stronger attack later that same day for the hospital to take me seriously...but even then they didn't give me the tests I needed to properly diagnose me until two days later. Watch this clip and then post your own stories here to help others circumvent medical sexism and it's dangers. We must be our own strong advocates in doctors offices and ERs everywhere! http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?section=news%2Fhealth%2Fyour_health&id=84 16664&mid=51 I am a writer, classically-trained chef, food blogger, food photographer and stylist and heart attach/SCAD survivor. Read more about me on my blog: http://food-fix.com Rachel Willen


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