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Compulsive + Emotional Eating Join this Group

Metabolic Damage

By September 20, 2011 - 8:45am

I recently put together a book containing a series of articles on metabolic damage dating back to 2006. Metabolic damage is a condition sometimes seen with extreme and yo yo dieters exhibited by a number of symptoms such as unexplained weight gain (while exercising and restricting calories), thyroid issues, lethargy, apathy, and depression.
The book is in electronic format and is available here: http://bit.ly/r4DNJj
From what I've seen among the women I know, there's a definite connection between metabolic damage and compulsive/emotional eating. You aren't fat because you eat too much, you eat too much because you're fat (if that makes any sense). The psychology of these issues and there connection to the physical is deep and remarkable.

EmpowHER Guest
By Anonymous November 26, 2011 - 2:42pm

Hi Crystol88,

Thanks for sharing this with us.  Hope this helps many dealing with weight gain.


November 26, 2011 - 2:42pm

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Don't have a classic eating disorder, but your eating patterns are a mess? This is the group for you. Let's guide and support each other in creating a HEALTHY relationship with food and our bodies!


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