Summer is chugging along and, like any sun-loving person, you’ve probably been outside, playing and enjoying every minute. Play away, but be aware of the hidden havoc the sun’s rays could be wreaking on your hair.

It’s no secret constant sun exposure can turn hair to straw, but the summer months are especially damaging. This is when sun lines up more directly with the Northern Hemisphere, drawing a bead on your precious hair! If you’ve noticed dryness, split ends, or flyaways, or simply would like to take precautions to protect against heat and sun damage, there are methods you can pursue that are easy and produce quick results.

Maintaining a regular regimen of shampooing and conditioning is essential to keeping your hair hydrated and healthy during the summer. The most basic measure you can take is making sure to choose a shampoo and conditioner duo whose purpose matches your hair’s needs. If you color your hair, make sure to use color care shampoo and conditioner. Color care products factor dryness into their makeup since dyes and bleach cause that straw-like texture. When you condition, adding a bit more conditioner than usual during the hot months and using a brush to comb it through is very helpful. This way your hair is receiving even amounts of conditioner throughout.

If your hair is extra thirsty or has lots of split ends, you may want to try a conditioning mask in addition to your regular routine. Conditioning masks are like regular conditioner but with super healing powers. Use one of these twice monthly to add some much needed moisture. And be sure to head to the stylist ASAP to get rid of those split ends. If you leave them too long, they creep up the strand until it’s damaged at the core.

Dry hair can create another pesky nuisance: flyaways. Flyaways are caused by breakage of individual strands of hair, often resulting from continuous heat exposure. Human hair is much like a leaf on a tree; it consists largely of water, and, when baked by the sun, lightens and hardens. A brown, stiff leaf is easily crumpled, while a green one can’t be as easily torn. Hair works much the same way. If the sun is constantly beating down on your scalp, your hair is going to be susceptible to more breakage. You can combat flyaways using any type of smoothing milk or serum with a moisture agent in it. You might also try spraying a small amount of hairspray on a toothbrush and using that to smooth down your stray hairs.

One last thing--as much as you can, when you’re out in the sun try and cover up your pretty locks with a hat or bandanna. This is the only sure-fire way to keep your hair from getting summer-dry. But keep those moisture products close by in any case, and enjoy the rest of summer!