Symptoms of Tension Headache

• Mild or moderate pressure around the forehead
• Tightness at the back of the head and neck
• Chronic tension headaches can cause a throbbing pain and often hurt more than occasional headaches
• Your eyes may be mildly sensitive to light.

What Causes Tension Headaches?

Tension headaches are caused by a variety of things, but are largely down to stress and poor posture. Feeling upset and crying can trigger them, as can anxiety or depression. Other causes include lack of sleep and over exertion.
If you work many hours at a computer, you may be sitting in the wrong position. Tight neck and shoulder muscles can cause tension headache.

Ways to Ease Your Tension Headaches

If they are down to stress or depression, see if you can set aside some time for you each day, for instance, a relaxing soak in the tub where you aren’t going ...