We really have been conditioned to believe that fats in our diets will put more fat on our hips. And other places. But research is raising questions about this assumption.

Excessive restriction of fat consumption can actually cause the body to start conserving its fat stores. Not the desired goal for someone trying to lose weight. As a matter of fact, a proper intake of fat can help drop the unwanted pounds.

Healthy fats perform many important functions. Healthy fats contain HDL cholesterol (that's the good one) that helps reduce plaque deposits. Healthy fats aid in the transport of soluble vitamins, for the body's use. And healthy fats are where we'll find the omega-3, omega- 6 and omega- 9 essential fatty acids that we need.

"Remember to keep fats in your diet in a good ratio. Fat is a long term source of energy so it can be used in higher ratios for certain athletes."
