I've read many articles on gluten intolerance and its symptoms that make passing reference to anxiety and depression. I've been surprised to find that symptoms as paralyzing as these are given such short shrift.

I am gluten intolerant. I stumbled upon the valuable information that eating gluten could be causing some of my many health problems eight years ago.

When I went gluten-free I wasn't surprised to find that my IBS symptoms disappeared. But I was astonished to find that the sense of anxiety which often bloomed into full-flowered panic with which I'd wrestled most of my life ... melted away.

Why was nobody talking about this? Why was this not being trumpeted from the rooftops? Surely I wasn't the only person who'd experienced diet-induced mental chaos.

So for those of you pressed beyond measure by a need to explode, burst into tears, or curl up in a shaking ball ... check out the food you're eating.

Gluten intolerance is an umbrella for celiac disease, gluten allergy and gluten sensitivity. It will sometimes sojourn arm-in-arm with lactose intolerance or dairy sensitivity.

It's not easy giving up foods with gluten. They may be your favorite foods.

In fact if you're gluten intolerant, odds are good these ARE your favorite foods, and the cravings for them may be intense. But the longer you avoid them, the meeker those cravings can become.

And, you may awake one morning to find that the sense of impending doom, the tendency to burst into tears or temper, the inability to think clearly, may have left you at the door marked "No Gluten Allowed" and you are now free in a way you never were before.

Do you have mood swings, anxiety or panic attacks? Do you find it hard to think clearly, especially after a gluten-laden meal?

Do you struggle with depression and the blues? Do you feel afraid for no reason?

Then consider cutting out gluten, at least for a few weeks. If you have an intolerance, you'll find that your gut calms down markedly within a very short time.

The feeling of overwhelming hunger that arose after polishing off a plate of pasta or a sandwich will become a thing of the past. And the beast in your brain and your gut will be tamed.

And all you have to do, is stay away from gluten. Really, it's a small price to pay for such freedom.


Gluten and the Brain

Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity

How Gluten Affects Behavior

Discover the Hidden Connection Between Gluten Intolerance and Your Mental Health

20+ Reasons to Get Tested For Gluten Issues

Visit Jody's website and blog at http://www.ncubator.ca and http://ncubator.ca/blogger