Maybe you've just learned that the reason you've been sick, or depressed or in pain for years on end is due to the fact that you're sensitive to gluten.

This is great news when you think about it. You're looking at a new lease on life.

But with Thanksgiving around the corner, things are going to have to change and that can seem overwhelming. Because Thanksgiving isn't just about the food. It's about the way you feel about the food. It's about family traditions that go back to your childhood, and maybe to your parents' and grandparents' childhoods.

And the question arises -- so what are we going to eat? Visions loom before you of turkey without stuffing, potatoes without gravy and pumpkin pie without ... pie. What kind of Thanksgiving is that?

Well, it doesn't have to be bleak. Veterans of the gluten wars have been busily writing up articles, lists and recipes just for newbies like you. And some of those articles, lists and recipes include stuffing, gravy ... and pie.

So let us give thanks for their willingness to share, saving many from a night of gut pain or a case of the shakes, or a panic attack appearing out of nowhere. That's just no way to spend Thanksgiving.

Let's start with the bird.

You may be surprised to hear that not all turkeys are gluten-free. The veterans of the gluten wars are not surprised, they're old hands at this. And they advise you to check the ingredients when you buy your turkey.

Gluten-free stuffing isn't as contradictory as it sounds. You can use gluten-free white bread for this, or try your hand at corn bread, rice (avoid enriched rice which may have a coating that could contain gluten) or wild rice.

You can whip up gluten-free gravy by substituting sweet rice flour, potato flour, arrowroot starch or corn starch. If you want to use bouillon cubes, check ingredients. Many contain gluten, believe it or not. If you prefer a mix, you can buy it gluten-free.

Gluten-free desserts can be bought. Even pumpkin pie. Or make your own pie shells using a gluten-free flour like sorghum. And of course, if you're not a pumpkin pie fan there are all sorts of gluten-free desserts that you can make or buy.

Just be sure to begin your preparations in advance so when Thanksgiving Day arrives, you have everything you need for a celebration you can truly be thankful for.


How to Have a Gluten Free Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Recipes and Tips for Gluten-free and More's Best Ever Gluten-Free Thanksgiving Guide!

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